Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rockin' Ministry

It has been really awesome to watch our new part-time intern dive into growing staff and campers.

Through the weekly Bible Study Talissa has helped staff become more faithful in their Bible intake and really connected campers (and campers' friends!) to Scripture for the first time.

Here's part of the story in her own words: I just had to tell you this story about how God is at work!!
The past couple of weeks I have gone to pick up Abby from her house. Only this time when I arrived she asked if she could speak with me outside. She told me that her friend Wendy was an atheist and didn’t feel comfortable coming. I told Abby that day I was just planning on making some sugar cookies and having a short sharing time with staff to tell their favorite verse. After I explained that to Abby she talked with Wendy and they decided to come. I noticed that Wendy seemed really quiet at first. But I talked to them the whole drive to Pekin.
After we made the cookies and went in to the staff room I just prayed that God would touch her heart. I had each of the staff share a verse that they like. We finished up with a game of apples to apples and then parents started coming. After everyone left and we finished cleaning up she asked me for the study book. She said that she really liked it and she learned a lot. I can’t even tell you how overjoyed I was! So I gave her the book and then she asked me about the scripture Anna read from Matthew. Wendy said that it really spoke to her and I showed her where it was and she wrote it down. You could just see her excitement to read the book and learn more. Then on the way home in the car we had a really good discussion about being a consistent witness for Christ. We can’t be one person at church and another person with our friends. Oh it was so good and I just left send all kinds of praises and hallelujahs to God. HE IS AMAZING! Please pray for Wendy and all the girls. I just had to share how I see our wonderful God at work!!!

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