Friday, July 26, 2013

Jesus Video

A camper ran into the Jesus Video (we have one per camp), and requested to watch it.

So during a CIT time the older boys at Morton camp watched the video, even watching it through dodgeball time.. They had some great discussions after the crucifixion.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wordless Book retelling

Morton camp: 22+ adults outside of camp told the Good News through the Wordless book

Pekin Camp: 17 kids turned in the sheets

EP: 46 Adults

Friday, July 12, 2013

believing in bowl a thon

One of our camper mom's who benefits from our scholarship program is so excited about our bowl a thon fundraiser she has asked multiple family and friends about their businesses donating gift cards and prizes to us.

It's nice to see both gratefulness and the acknowlegement that camp has been a good thing for her son.

Friday, July 5, 2013

week 5

Morton camper wanting references for all of the verses so she can look them up at home.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Week 4

Nick P from Pekin wanted a Bible so much his mom emailed me... then he remembered over a week later to ask for one.

Tyler B in Morton.. after discipline issue, got into Bible for 15-20 minutes with Becca.

EP: Directors did a great job having campers retell the story of Saul's conversion in 5 parts. About 1/4 of the kids told others.. several of them told multiple kids.

Andrew T accepting Christ then wanting and reading a Bible