Tuesday, February 26, 2013

chili supper feedback

What a great Chili Supper!! Everything seemed to go so smoothly, and I really enjoyed hearing from that family about their experiences. What a fun way to share about Camp. I am so glad I was able to attend... it was a blessing! Our pastor enjoyed it as well, and ____ are always praying about growth opportunities with Camp. I wish we could have connected with you there, but we couldn't stay for too long afterwards.

Thanks for all you do, Pheaney. The training Camp gave me completely altered the way I see God, people, and myself. I think about Camp a lot.. and am so thankful for the positive impact it had on my relationship with Christ! Currently, I am working as the Children's Ministry Director at ____.. and it is literally a mini Camp of Champions. We even did a snack craft last Sunday. ;) So I can't thank you enough for all you do as a full time staff member and just being such an example to myself and to ____.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Training on Partner Like Paul

Yesterday I trained 15 local youth and ministry workers in some Biblical fundraising basics (for themselves and their students.

3 people specifically requested the book.  One said it was just what he needed to hear.

another said: "Would love to read up more on this.
This sounds like a good lesson.  Thanks for offering this, it's a blessing!"

And another: "Could you send me those verse from yesterday as well as your book please?"

Another: "I hear that you 'rocked it.' "

Fun to equip and dialogue with others!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Talking Church

Over the course of the school year I've had some good conversations with a staff member about church: which ones you go to, how you choose, why you should (or not) move to a different one, the importance of the people church (instead of the service church or building church)

Hope they continue.

Friday, February 8, 2013

family scheduling

Monday this week I had coffee and a good conversation with a friend and youth pastor.  We talked about family time and putting boundaries on our work schedule to prioritize those closest to us.  I think it was a good conversation that at least pointed him in the right direction.