Friday, March 29, 2013

update on 3/3rds

This has been going really well.

I think the 7 components of 3/3rds disciple-making meetings are more important than the 3/3rds themselves.. so I'm going with it.  But the setting a goal of who to talk to about spiritual things (and then following up about it) has been great for me and the 2 guys I'm meeting with.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Discussing Disciple-making

Was able to chat with a former staff member about his opportunity to disciple people on his college floor as an RC.  We may have delved into similarities between Jesus-like disciple-making and the Jedi order.


Friday, March 8, 2013

3/3rds Disciple-Making

I've been attempting disciple-making for awhile.. my first crack at a 3/3rds meeting was awesome.  Looking forward to seeing how God uses it.